Friday, May 16, 2008

Share Your Feelings

Good or bad, feelings need expression;
they must be recognized and given
freedom to reveal themselves.
It isn't wise to hide behind a smile
when your heart is breaking;
that is not being true to how
you feel inside.
By letting out your feelings,
your pain is released,
and you are able to go on -
to reconstruct your life and
think of other things
that will make you happy again.
Put away the myth that says
you must be strong enough to face
the whole world with a smile and
a brave attitude all of the time.
You have your feelings that say otherwise,
so admit that they are there.
Use their healing power
to put the past behind you,
and realize that those expressive
stirrings in your heart
are very much a part of you.
Use them to get better,
to find peace within,
to be true to yourself.


Anonymous said...

good points..:))

Regretful Morning said...

Very true.